Death In Space: Death by Ambulance


Strangely Dave wasn’t dead as minutes ago he had been bitten by a highly poisonous Galorpin but he would soon be if he doesn’t receive medical treatment. As me and my friend Bill carried Dave up a hill to an evacuation zone nearby. The Galorpin could be anywhere, in any nook and ditch behind him, at Earth literally anywhere because Galorpin have the ability to teleport. the hill climb was long and tiring but it was mandatory to get out of there as quickly as possible now we just needed to round a corner and we would be there. as we raced around the bend we  evacuation point Dave had already gone unconscious. Bill quickly grabbed up a  Suzuki Radio and called for help it took 1 minute for the med ship to arrive but when it did it landed on them because Bill put in the wrong coordinates because he was an unpaid intern with no clue of what he was doing. The pilot of the ship hopped out looked around and saw he squished the evacuees so he hopped in the space ship and sped off. Pretending that never happened. 

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